Ronja, the Robber's Daughter
The night Ronja is born a thunderstorm rages. Lightning strikes the Robbers’ fortress and cleaves it in two. Ronja’s life begins on an extraordinary night, and she grows up to become an equally extraordinary girl.
A girl who’s the apple of her father’s eye, but who also challenges him, and a girl who chooses friendship over family rivalry. Ronja explores the deep forests, lakes, mountains, and forest glades. She’s drawn to wilderness and adventure. Living in harmony with animals and nature, she seldom has reason to be frightened. Ronja’s mother is a wise and strong woman who entrusts her daughter with the freedom to figure out her own morals and sense of right and wrong. Ronja is compassionate, just, and brave – if something isn’t right she’ll speak up – even if it leads to conflict with those closest around her.

Ronja the Robber’s Daughter premieres on Netflix
One of the biggest endeavours ever in Nordic cinema is soon to premiere. The first episode of Ronja the Robber's Daughter will be released on Netflix on the 28th of March, the series spanning two seasons with a total of twelve 45-minute episodes.
All about the tv-series“Don’t be afraid, Birk, here comes my spring shout!”
Ronja, the Robber's Daughter
A longing to the forest - the story behind Ronja
One of Astrid Lindgren’s favourite books was Walden by Henry David Thoreau, which is all about how the author built himself a dwelling from forest material and tried to live as solitary and simple a life as possible, at a distance from the materialistic city culture from which he had fled. Since Astrid lived in the city she was not able to enjoy nature all the time, but she could be there in her imagination. That’s how the story about Ronja began – with a longing to the forest.
The story behind Ronja
Ronja, The Robber's Daughter: Illustrated Edition
A beautiful illustrated edition to accompany the TV series from Studio Ghibli.
About the book
Ronja, the Robber's Daughter
The TV-series from Japanese Studio Ghibli. The English version is starring Gillian Anderson as the narrator and Theresa Gallagher as Ronja.
About the tv-series