Von Bullerbü bis Lönneberga

    Von Bullerbü bis Lönneberga

    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Katrin Engelking

    "Pippi, Michel, Ronja or the children from Bullerbü: In the large Astrid Lindgren house book, readers will find the most beautiful stories with their favorite characters and will certainly always discover something new: What is the dragon with the red eyes doing in the stable? Which ones Cheeky Karlsson comes up with pranks? How are Ronja and Birk doing in the bear's den in summer and why do Pelle and his family fall under the spell of the archipelago island of Saltkrokan? The house book, which is lavishly furnished with a linen spine, is a treasure trove of stories that the whole family will enjoy for a long time has.18 stories: fairy tales, stories, excerpts from children's books, with many colored pictures by Katrin Engelking."

    Saltkråkan illustration Maria Nilsson Thore

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    Astrid Lindgren in Norway

    The first to bring Astrid Lindgren's books abroad was the publisher Damm & Søn in Oslo, with their Norwegian edition of "Pippi Longstocking" already appearing in 1946. This marked the beginning of a long-standing relationship. Today, most of her books in Norway are published by Cappelen Damm, a publishing house formed through the merger of Cappelen and Damm. Astrid's book adaptations into films also became popular in Norway, as did her famous songs. One of Astrid Lindgren's favorite books was "Hunger" by the Norwegian author Knut Hamsun; she often mentioned it as one of her greatest reading experiences.