"Kati lives on Kaptensgatan in a nice little den. She shares her life with Eva – happy, blonde, ready-to-fight Eva. Not just the exciting life as a stenographer in a law office, not just everyday life in the bachelorette den, but also a trip to Italy. "We must begin to learn Italian," said Eva, "the most necessary phrases—'it was dangerous your fiery eyes, Signor!' and things like that!"The second book about Kati has also been published under the title Kati in Italy.The books about Kati are no longer in print, but they can be read at the Literature Bank."
The first to bring Astrid Lindgren's books abroad was the publisher Damm & Søn in Oslo, with their Norwegian edition of "Pippi Longstocking" already appearing in 1946. This marked the beginning of a long-standing relationship. Today, most of her books in Norway are published by Cappelen Damm, a publishing house formed through the merger of Cappelen and Damm. Astrid's book adaptations into films also became popular in Norway, as did her famous songs. One of Astrid Lindgren's favorite books was "Hunger" by the Norwegian author Knut Hamsun; she often mentioned it as one of her greatest reading experiences.