Meisterdetektiv Kalle Blomquist lebt gefährlich (German)Meisterdetektiv Kalle Blomquist lebt gefährlich (German)

    Meisterdetektiv Kalle Blomquist lebt gefährlich (German)

    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Director:Göran Carmback

    "It is summer and silence lies over Kleinköping. But appearances are deceptive - in the idyll a war is being fought - between the White Rose (Kalle, Anders and Eva-Lotta) and the Red Rose (Sixten, Benke and Jonte). There is fighting around the Big Mummrich, a stone quite common to the uninitiated. Another thing the uninitiated doesn't understand is robber-speak. While carrying out a risky errand, Eva-Lotta makes a horrifying discovery. There is someone on the path ahead of her. As she gets closer When she leaves, she recognizes old Gren - and he's stone dead! Time for master detective Kalle Blomquist to step in! "

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