Pippi Longstocking (Swedish)

    Pippi Longstocking (Swedish)

    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Director:Per Gunvall

    In the very first film about Pippi the grown-up actor Viveca Serlachius portrayed her. She had already appeared in the role at the Oscar theatre in Stockholm, where the stage version of Pippi Longstocking, written by Astrid Lindgren, had been performed. However, Astrid Lindgren was not involved in the script for the film. Per Gunvall wrote the screenplay, and he chose to add a love story to the plot in order to make the film more appealing to a grown-up audience. The jazz musician Svend Asmussen also popped up in a newly added role as a musical postman. The film was a huge disappointment to Astrid Lindgren and not a great success with movie audiences either. After this experience Astrid decided that she would write her own screenplays.

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    “If you are very strong, you must also be very kind.”

    The narrator in "Do you know Pippi Longstocking?"
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