“Everything great that ever happened in this world happened first in somebody’s imagination.”
Astrid Lindgren Quote

“Everything great that ever happened in this world happened first in somebody’s imagination.”

Astrid Lindgren, 1958
About Astrid Lindgren

Pippi Longstocking, Emil in Lönneberga, The Brothers Lionheart, The Children of Noisy Village, Ronja the Robber’s Daughter… Millions of children and grown-ups across the globe love these characters and feel right at home in Villa Villekulla, Cherry Vale, Emil’s woodshed and on Seacrow Island. All of these worlds are the inventions of Astrid Lindgren - one of the most read children’s book writers in the world.

Welcome to the official Astrid Lindgren website. Here you will find information about Astrid Lindgren as a person, about her stories and find out everything you want to know about her treasured characters. You will also be able to discover destinations where you can experience her life and work. Additionally, you can find out more about The Astrid Lindgren Company here and how we work to protect and spread Astrid Lindgren’s legacy.

Pippi Långstrump pyssel

DIY & Crafts

Activity books, pens, colouring books, note books, DIY-kits and more - here you'll find all sorts of things to spark creativity, with the help of Astrid Lindgren's characters.

“A childhood without books – that would be no childhood. That would be like being shut out from the enchanted place where you can go and find the rarest kind of joy”

Astrid Lindgren, in "Vi husmödrar" 1956:10

Buy books in English by Astrid Lindgren




Around the world

Astrid Lindgren’s books have sold more than 170 million copies worldwide. According to UNESCO’s annual list, she is the 18th most translated author in the world.

Astrid Lindgren is translated into 109 languages
Astrids skrivbord på Dalagatan 46

Virtual visit in Astrid Lindgren's apartment

With the 360 degree photos of Astrid Lindgren's apartment, you can click around to discover the different rooms. It is also possible to zoom in on the images, for example to take a closer look at the titles in the bookshelves. We hope you enjoy it!

Learn about Astrid Lindgren's characters

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You are very welcome to contact us at The Astrid Lindgren Company if you have any questions or ideas concerning Astrid Lindgren. Find all employees at the Astrid Lindgren Company here.