So schmeckt mein Weihnachten Astrid Lindgrens Kochbuch (In German)So schmeckt mein Weihnachten Astrid Lindgrens Kochbuch (In German)So schmeckt mein Weihnachten Astrid Lindgrens Kochbuch (In German)So schmeckt mein Weihnachten Astrid Lindgrens Kochbuch (In German)So schmeckt mein Weihnachten Astrid Lindgrens Kochbuch (In German)

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    Astrid Lindgren GermanGerman

    So schmeckt mein Weihnachten Astrid Lindgrens Kochbuch (In German)

    27.95 EUR

    Astrid Lindgren's stories have shaped the Swedish dreams of Christmas, and food often plays a decisive role in them. Here finally comes a richly illustrated Christmas cookbook based on her world, to constantly return to. Fredrik Eriksson, an award-winning and seasoned chef, is behind the recipes. This book is in German.

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