När Emil skulle dra ut Linas tand

    När Emil skulle dra ut Linas tand

    Type:Picture Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Björn Berg
    Publisher:Rabén & Sjögren

    "Lina, who was a maid in Katthult, had such a toothache. "You must go to Sme-Pelle," said Alfred. Sme-Pelle, that was the blacksmith. He used to pull out aching teeth with his terrible pliers. "How much does he take to pull a tooth?” asked Lina. "Fifty öre an hour," said Alfred.A picture book that contains an episode from "Emil is still alive in Lönneberga", illustrated by Björn Berg."

    När Emil skulle dra ut Linas tand (in Swedish)

    När Emil skulle dra ut Linas tand (in Swedish)

    Emil in Lönneberga

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