När Adam Engelbrekt blev tvärarg

    När Adam Engelbrekt blev tvärarg

    Type:Picture Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Marit Törnqvist
    Publisher:Rabén & Sjögren

    "The bull Adam Engelbrekt broke free in the middle of the bright Easter Sunday morning and came thundering in full career with a terrible expression in his eyes. The bull Svensson ran for his life out the barn door and out onto the barn yard and managed to get over the fence. And Adam Engelbrekt ran after in wild fury. Fortunately, he couldn't get over the fence in any case, but had to stay on the team farm level. There he stood snorting and bellowing until little Kalle came and defeated him, "just simply with a little kindness".The story Småland bullfighter from Kajsa Kavat is published here as a picture book with illustrations by Marit Törnqvist."

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