Master Detective: A Kalle Blomkvist Mystery

    Master Detective: A Kalle Blomkvist Mystery

    Type:Chapter Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Publisher:Oxford University Press

    Kalle Blomkvist is only thirteen years old, but already a very skilful detective. He lives in a small idyllic town together with Anders and Eva-Lotta. Together they call themselves ‘The White Rose’ and fight merry battles against ‘The Red Rose’, and everything is just as wonderful as it should be when you’re on your summer break from school. Then something happens that interrupts the games and throws the master detective and his friends right into the middle of a perilous adventure.Translator: Susan Beard

    Master Detective: A Kalle Blomkvist Mystery

    Master Detective: A Kalle Blomkvist Mystery

    Kalle Blomkvist

    14.95 EUR
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