Barnens dag i Bullerbyn (Swedish)

    Barnens dag i Bullerbyn (Swedish)

    Type:Picture Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Ilon Wikland
    Publisher:Rabén & Sjögren

    One day Lasse read in the newspaper that in Stockholm they had Children's Day. And then Lasse said that we should do Children's Day in Bullerby too. "We'll do Children's Day for Kerstin," said Lasse. "If we make fun for Kerstin a whole day, so maybe she can stop following us all the other days, when we want to be alone and play.”

    A standalone picture book about the children in Bullerby, illustrated by Ilon Wikland.

    Book Children’s Day in Noisy Village

    Book Children’s Day in Noisy Village

    The Children of Noisy Village

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    Book Children’s Day in Noisy Village

    Book Children’s Day in Noisy Village

    The Children of Noisy Village

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