Pippi Långstrumps kokbok

    Pippi Långstrumps kokbok

    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Ingrid Vang Nyman
    Publisher:Rabén & Sjögren

    Everyone knows Pippi Longstocking as the girl who can lift a horse, has a duffel bag full of gold coins and has sailed the seven seas. But have you considered that she's also a master chef? Because she really is! In the Pippi stories , Tommy and Annika are baked, celebrated and offered food, sweets and drinks of all kinds. Pippi bakes cakes, offers sausages and fry pancakes, and so she knows what goes into a hearty pirate breakfast.This is what the presenter, author and Pippi's biggest fan David Sundin has taken note of when he has selected the very best from Pippi's world and compiled it into a cookbook that is unlike any other. Tasty recipes by Johanna Westman and funny tips and texts by David Sundin are interspersed with Pippi quotes and Ingrid Vang Nyman's classic Pippi pictures.In Pippi Longstocking's cookbook, children and adults are welcome to cook treats and dishes from Pippi's fantastic world together. And then we finally get to learn how to make our own crumb pills!"For children a hit-and-miss inspiration bomb, for adults a lovely book to adorn the cookbook shelf with. The book gets a well-deserved five from me. Overall rating: 5." /BTJ

    Cookbook Pippi Longstocking

    Cookbook Pippi Longstocking

    Pippi Longstocking

    17.95 EUR
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      “If you are very strong, you must also be very kind.”

      The narrator in "Do you know Pippi Longstocking?"
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