Pippi Langstrumpf feiert Weihnachten

    Pippi Langstrumpf feiert Weihnachten

    Type:Picture Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Katrin Engelking

    It's Christmas Eve. Christmas lights are shining in the windows of the small town and candles are burning on the Christmas trees. All the children are happy - no, not all children! Pelle, Bosse and little Inga are all alone. It almost seems as if this should be so It will be the saddest Christmas they've ever experienced. But they didn't expect Pippi Longstocking! Pippi brings presents and even has a Christmas tree with her. And they dance with it until the beams bend!The story "Pippi Longstocking celebrates Christmas" was accidentally discovered in 2002 on the back of a cut-out sheet in the Astrid Lindgren Archives in Stockholm.Translator: Angelika Kutsch

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