Jul i Bullerbyn (Swedish)

    Jul i Bullerbyn (Swedish)

    Type:Picture Book
    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator:Ilon Wikland
    Publisher:Rabén & Sjögren

    Oh, what fun Christmas is! All the children in Bullerbyn help with the Christmas mess. They put up Christmas baskets for the little birds and they go to the forest and cut four Christmas trees, one for Norrgården, one for Mellangården and one for Sörgården. The air smells good of gingerbread and Christmas gift polish, and everything is so beautiful and Christmassy.One of the most popular of Astrid Lindgren's picture books is a stand-alone story about when the children in Bullerbyn celebrate Christmas, illustrated by Ilon Wikland.

    Book Christmas in Noisy Village (in Swedish)

    Book Christmas in Noisy Village (in Swedish)

    The Children of Noisy Village

    15.95 EUR
    Book We have so much fun at Christmas

    Book We have so much fun at Christmas

    Astrid Lindgren

    28.95 EUR
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